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  • Collection: Newspaper Collection

Who Should Enlist.png
Newspaper advertisement about who should enlist with the armed forces

Enlist Now.png
Newspaper advertisement for enlisting in the Canadian armed forces

Canadian YMCA Finances.png
Newspaper advertisement on the war effort of the Y.M.C.A.


The Great Victory Loan.png
Newspaper advertisement on Canada's victory loan

Helpless Unless in a Uniform.png
Newspaper advertisement on recruitment into the 141st Overseas Battalion

The Empire Calls.jpg
Newspaper advertisement for recruitment

Enlist Today.png
Newspaper advertisement on recruitment

Working Night and Day for the Cause.png
Newspaper advertisement on the war effort


The Feeding of British Troops.png
Newspaper advertisement on rationing

How Canning is Done Now.png
Newspaper advertisement about canning and rationing
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